G pay app
G pay app

g pay app

+ Get cashback for things like paying friends. + Use Google Pay to check out quickly and securely when you shop on websites and apps. Get quick access to your transactions and activate offers. + See businesses where you’ve used Google Pay when you open the app. Just unlock it, hold it to the reader, and go.Ĭonnect with your favorite businesses and discover new ones + Pay with your phone anywhere contactless payments are accepted. Only the people involved in the transaction will see it. + When you send a payment with Google Pay, it’ll stay between you and your friends. There are no fees if you use your linked bank account to withdraw funds. + Money transfers are instant and free with Google Pay balance. Google Pay will even help you do the math on who owes what. + Create a group to send and receive money for things like trips, dinner, bills, rent, and more. + Transfer money easily to friends & family safely Discover offers from your favorite places Google Pay is a simple, secure, and seamless way to pay and save, giving you helpful ways to do more with your money:

G pay app